Lying Pingyang was bullied by dogs
This means that the tiger left the mountains, fell to the ground trapped, the dog can bully the tiger. Metaphor powerful or powerful have lost their own power or advantage.
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- Parte del discurso: adjective
- Industria/ámbito: Idioma
- Categoría: Modismos
- Company:
- Producto:
- Acrónimo-Abreviatura:
- Sinónimo(s)
- Noticias relacionadas:
- Tipo de documento:
- Contexto:
- term_reference:
- definition_reference:
- context_reference:
- Otras referencias:
Chinese Idioms, Chinese Proverbs
Categoría: Languages
Cantidad total de términos: 35
Other terms in this blossary
- RolandDragonworld
(Valencia City, Philippines)
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