Industria: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
Basket product based on a number of equities selected on the basis of an index or in accordance with particular criteria laid down by the issuing bank. See also basket certificate.
Borrowed funds raised within the banking system in contrast to funds placed with the bank by the public.
Certificates that represent the ownership of shares. They may relate to one or multiple shares or to a fraction thereof. GDRs are traded on the stock exchange in lieu of the original shares. See ADR.
Contract clause common in international trade. Denotes that the transport, insurance and loading costs incurred until the merchandise is loaded on board the ship are included in the price of the goods.
Credit line which may be drawn on in one or more currencies stipulated in the credit agreement.
Earnings per share of a company calculated by dividing the net profit by the number of outstanding shares and those shares which could potentially come into existence through the exercise of rights attached to convertible bonds or other securities conferring entitlement to purchase the company's shares.
Electronic gateway, e.g. at the Swiss Exchange, linking trader systems with the exchange system. Guarantees equal treatment of exchange members.
Entity in which investors pool their capital for joint investment. The assets are managed by the fund management company for the account of the investors based as a rule on the principle of risk distribution. Depending on the type of mutual fund, the assets may be invested in securities, money market instruments or in real estate; investments can also be made in special fund products and asset allocation funds. Swiss mutual funds must have a variable capital and are obliged to redeem units whenever requested. See also securities fund, money market fund, real estate fund, country-specific fund, regional fund, sector fund.
Framework that allows the products of many issuers, including third-party issuers, to be used in a portfolio.
Fund managers employing relative value strategies try to exploit pricing differentials through the simultaneous purchase and sale of similar securities. Most managers attempt to neutralise long and short positions to minimise the impact of general market movements. Relative value strategies include convertible arbitrage, statistical arbitrage, pairs trading, yield curve arbitrage and basis trading.
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