Industria: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
Basket of instruments, e.g. stocks from the same sector or region. A basket in turn can be used as the underlying of a derivative financial product.
Also: ring trading. A system of stock market trading where the dealers call out the bid and ask prices for each security or make them known by using hand signals. Opposite: electronic trading system.
Also: close a position, square a position. The action of offsetting an open stock exchange or foreign exchange position with the related hedge position (for example, covering securities sold forward for a certain date by a forward purchase as of the same date).
Also: concentration of risk. Loans, equity interests or investments whose size exceeds acceptable limits, thereby contravening the bank's policy of risk diversification.
Abbr.: MBS. Security similar to an asset-backed security, where the underlying assets are loans to owners of residential or commercial real estate secured with a mortgage over the property.
In Switzerland: credit granted to finance the mandatory stockpiles of essential raw materials and foodstuffs maintained in accordance with the Federal Law on Economic Planning for War and Emergencies of September 30, 1955. In order to facilitate the financing of stocks and reduce the costs involved, the Swiss Federal Government is fully liable to the lending banks for the repayment of credit extended. Borrowers are subject to strict formalities and controls on the part of the Federal Office for National Economic Supply. The significance of compulsory stockpiling and compulsory stockpiling credit has receded greatly since the Cold War ended in 1989. See also compulsory stockpile bill.
Inferior coin that need only be accepted as legal tender up to a certain amount (in Switzerland, a maximum of 100 coins). As a rule, the value of the metal contained in divisional coins is less than the nominal value stamped on them. See also full legal tender coins (1).
Financial product made up of a range of individual securities that may be differently weighted and that replicates an index, sector or strategy. Examples: index certificate, basket certificate, fixed-income fund, exchange-traded fund.
An exchange rate between two currencies arrived at by dividing each currency's exchange rate by a third rate. For example, the two rates CHF/USD 1.4500 and EUR/USD 0.7600 result in a cross rate of 1.5132 for the CHF/EUR pair.
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