United States Library of Congress
Industria: Culture; Government
Number of terms: 1108
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The Library of Congress is the U.S. oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections.
Особливо під час культурної революції (з. в.), медичний працівник що володіє мінімальними формального навчання, які надали неповний робочий день медичного обслуговування, в першу чергу в сільській місцевості. Сприяли основні гігієнічні вимоги, профілактики захворювань і сім'ї, планування і лікувати поширених хвороб. Виступав у якості постачальника первинної медико-санітарної допомоги на низовому рівні.
A slogan introduced by Mao Zedong in 1940, noted again by Liu Shaoqi in 1958, and used more frequently in connection with leftist attacks on the "cultural front" in late 1965 and early 1966. The expression was used to denote the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, a political campaign officially inaugurated in August 1966 to rekindle revolutionary fervor of the masses outside formal party organizations. The Cultural Revolution decade (1966-76) can be divided into three periods: 1966-69, from the militant Red Guard (q. V. ) phase to the Ninth National Party Congress; 1969- 71, the period of the zenith and demise of Lin Biao; and 1971-76, the period of Mao's declining health and the ascendancy of the Gang of Four (q. V. ). At the August 1977 Eleventh National Party Congress, the Cultural Revolution was declared officially to have ended with the arrest in October 1976 of the Gang of Four.
Used broadly to mean China within the Great Wall, with its eighteen historic provinces. Divisible into two major, sharply contrasting regions, north China and south China. The dependencies on the north and west--Manchuria (now usually referred to as northeast China), Mongolia, Xizang (Tibet), and Xinjiang or Chinese Turkestan--were known in the imperial era as Outer China.
La lunga camminata di 12.500 Km fatta dall'Armata Rossa al fronte della "campagna d'annientamento" del Guomindang. Iniziò nell'ottobre 1934 nella provincia di Jiangxi e terminò nell'ottobre 1935 nella provincia dello Shaanxi. Circa 100.000 persone lasciarono la base aerea comunista in Jiangxi, ma solo circa 28.000 arrivarono a Yan'an, quartier generale del partito comunista cinese per il decennio successivo. Fu durante la lunga marcia che Mao Zedong ottenne un ruolo preminente nel partito.
Kebijakan yang berasal dari awal 1980-an yang mempromosikan reunifikasi Hong Kong, Makau, dan Taiwan dengan Cina daratan dan menawarkan mereka otonomi tingkat tinggi sebagai daerah administrasi khusus Cina. Melalui perjanjian terpisah dengan Inggris dan Portugal, Hong Kong dan Makau dikembalikan ke kendali Cina pada tahun 1997, dan 1999.
Praktek yang berasal dari tahun-tahun awal Partai Komunis China. Menunjukkan pemulihan dalam posisi tanggung jawab pejabat pemerintah dan partai mantan dan personil militer yang telah dituduh melakukan kesalahan. Rehabilitasi kadang-kadang berlangsung secara anumerta untuk membersihkan nama mantan pemimpin dan reputasi.
Una pratica risalente ai primi anni del partito comunista cinese. Denota la reintegrazione in posizioni di responsabilità del governo precedente e di funzionari del partito e personale militare che erano stato accusati di illeciti. Riabilitazioni a volte avvengono postume per pulire il nome e la reputazione dell'ex leader.
Delapan partai politik yang telah setia pada pemerintah komunis sejak tahun 1949. Mereka adalah Asosiasi China untuk Mempromosikan Demokrasi, Cina Demokrat Liga, Cina Demokrat Konstruksi Nasional Asosiasi, Cina Zhi Gong Dang (Partai untuk Kepentingan Umum), Cina Petani dan Pekerja Partai Demokrat, Jiusan (September Ketiga) Masyarakat, Guomindang Komite Revolusi, dan Taiwan Demokrat Diri Pemerintah League.
Berasal dari konsep \"garis massa\". Partai-diarahkan kampanye dirancang untuk memobilisasi massa untuk mendukung atau pelaksanaan kebijakan utama. Perpindahan tersebut adalah karakteristik dari 1950s sampai 1970s dan dikontrol dan dikoordinasikan oleh organisasi massa permanen.
Sayings and writings of Mao that served as a major source of national ideology until his death in 1976 and since then have undergone a cautious but critical reappraisal. By 1980 the meaning of the term had expanded to include the collective thoughts of all key party leaders.
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