Created by: matteo
Número de Blosarios: 5
The first case in a family or other defined group to come to the attention of the investigator. French: cas repère; cas de référence. Spanish: caso índice.
Critical incidence specified a priori, which, if exceeded, triggers declaration of an epidemic or predetermined public health responses. French: seuil épidémique.
A family of viruses that cause hemorrhagic fever. Filoviruses have single-stranded RNA as their genetic material. Ebola virus and the Marburg virus are both filoviruses. French: Filoviridae. Spanish: ...
Disease that is normally absent from a community or present at a low-to moderate level but which can suddenly become epidemic.
Sensitive analytical technique in which an enzyme is complexed to an antigen or antibody; a substrate is then added which generates a colour proportional to the amount of binding. French: essai ...
Identification of a specific disease at an early stage in the natural history of the disease. French: dépistage précoce; dépistage précoce. Spanish: detección precoz.
The process of tracking down anyone whom a patient may have exposed to Ebola. French: recherche des contacts. Spanish: rastreo de contactos.
By: matteo