Created by: Silentchapel
Número de Blosarios: 95
Un'icona è un due rappresentazione tridimensionale di Gesù Cristo, Santi o eventi biblici. Al contrario di immagini religiose, le icone hanno regole molto severe su come dipingere li e che chi può ...
The Veil of Veronica, or Sudarium (Latin for sweat-cloth), often called simply "The Veronica" and known in Italian as the Volto Santo or Holy Face (but not to be confused with the carved ...
Reverse perspective, also called inverse perspective, inverted perspective, divergent perspective, or Byzantine perspective, is a form of perspective drawing in which the objects depicted in a scene ...
Orans, a loanword from Medieval Latin translated as one who is praying or pleading, also Orant or Orante, is a figure in art with extended arms or bodily attitude of prayer, usually standing, with ...
The labarum (Greek: λάβαρον) was a vexillum (military standard) that displayed the "Chi-Rho" symbol ☧, formed from the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ" (Greek: ...
An icon case or kiot is a decorated case (usually foldable) or glass shelf for keeping and displaying religious icons. Icon cases range in size and design. Common Greek kiots are tall and typically ...
The Hetoimasia, Etimasia (Greek ἑτοιμασία, "preparation"), prepared throne, Preparation of the Throne, ready throne or Throne of the Second Coming is the Christian version of the symbolic ...