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Created by: karen.west

Number of Blossarys: 1

Collected Terms

过程的干细胞获得如那些在心、 脑、 胰腺组织中找到专门成人细胞的特征。

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

Proces u kome maticne celije sticu osobine specijalizovanih odraslih celija kao sto su srcane, mozdane ili celije pankreasa.

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

早期胚胎的约 100 单元格,已不能尚未植入子宫。胚囊是一个球体组成的外层细胞的一个充满液体的腔和群集内部细胞称为内细胞质量。胚囊开发后的乳沟和植入术在大约五天前。进一步只有胚泡成功植入子宫中,就会发生生殖发育。

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

An early stage embryo of about 100 cells that has not yet implanted into the womb. The blastocyst is a sphere made up of an outer layer of cells, a fluid-filled cavity and cluster of cells inside called the inner cell mass. The blastocyst develops after cleavage and prior to implantation at approximately five days. Further reproductive development occurs only if the blastocyst is successfully implanted in the uterus.

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research


Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

A cell produced during cleavage of a fertilized egg.

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

早期胚胎的约 100 单元格,已不能尚未植入子宫。胚囊是一个球体组成的外层细胞的一个充满液体的腔和群集内部细胞称为内细胞质量。胚囊开发后的乳沟和植入术在大约五天前。进一步只有胚泡成功植入子宫中,就会发生生殖发育。

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

An early stage embryo of about 100 cells that has not yet implanted into the womb. The blastocyst is a sphere made up of an outer layer of cells, a fluid-filled cavity and cluster of cells inside called the inner cell mass. The blastocyst develops after cleavage and prior to implantation at approximately five days. Further reproductive development occurs only if the blastocyst is successfully implanted in the uterus.

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

一项研究报告在人体来回答特定问题有关的疫苗或新的疗法或使用已知的治疗方法的新方法。临床试验用于确定新的药物或治疗方法是否安全和有效。试验分四个阶段: 阶段我测试一种新的药物或治疗中一小群 ;阶段 II 将研究扩展到一大群人 ;阶段 III 将研究扩展到更大的小组的人 ;和第四阶段发生后这种药物或治疗已领有牌照并销售。

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

A research study in human subjects to answer specific questions about vaccines or new therapies or new ways of using known treatments. Clinical trials are used to determine whether new drugs or treatments are both safe and effective. Trials take place in four phases: Phase I tests a new drug or treatment in a small group; Phase II expands the study to a larger group of people; Phase III expands the study to an even larger group of people; and Phase IV takes place after the drug or treatment has been licensed and marketed.

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research


Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

To create a copy. “Therapeutic cloning” creates a line of stem cells genetically identical to the originating cell for use in research. “Reproductive cloning” creates an organism genetically identical to the organism providing the originating cell.

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

发展中国家人类机体 (一组单元格) (合并后的卵子和精子) 产生的一个受精卵。胚胎有潜力成为一个完整的有机体。胚胎阶段在发展的八个星期结束。

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

The developing human organism (a group of cells) that arise from a fertilized egg (after merging of egg and sperm). An embryo does have the potential to become a complete organism. The embryonic stage ends at eight weeks of development.

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research


Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

A type of white blood cell and a versatile part of the immune system. Constantly on patrol, macrophages can find and kill many different kinds of bacteria. They are usually the first responders to any invasion of the body.

Domain: Medical; 分类: Stem cell research

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