Pagină de pornire > Blossary: Spanish - English General Vocabulary
This is an General Spanish - English glossary compiled throughout several years of work.
Categorie: Other
1 Termeni
Created by: Willy-Di
Number of Blossarys: 1
My Terms
Collected Terms
Romanian (RO)
Spanish (ES)
Timusul (m.), organ glandular situat în partea de jos a gâtului şi a porţiunii anterioară-superioară a cavităţii toracice. Acesta joacă un rol important în procesul imunologic al corpului.
Domain: Medical; Industrie/Domeniu: Medicine
Thymus(m.), glandular organ situated in the inferior portion of the neck and the anterior-superior portion of the thoracic cavity. It plays an important part in the immunological process of the body.
Domain: Medical; Industrie/Domeniu: Medicine